Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Relationship Between Surface Area and Rate Of Reaction Essay -- GCSE C

An Experiment To Investigate The Relationship Between Surface realm and Rate Of ReactionIntroductionThe rate of reaction (reaction velocity) may be defined as the rate ofchange of concentration of a stated reactant or product. The rate of areaction is found by measuring the amount of a reactant used up perunit of time or the amount of a product produced per unit of time. Areaction foot be made to go faster or slower by changing a digit offactors. In order for a reaction to occur certain things arenecessary particles must collide with each other and the collisionmust find enough energy for the reaction to occur. If this happens theoriginal bonds are broken and new bonds are formed - so that newproducts are formed. Successful collisions (those with sufficientenergy) can be increased (or decreased) by a number of factors.These key variables consist of temperature, concentration, surface orbital cavity and use of and type of a catalyst. To examine the relationship among the rate of reaction and surface area I must choose to vary notwithstanding surface area keeping the other variables constant.Surface area of solid - The surface area has an effect on the rate ofreaction. If the solid has a large surface area per unit mass then in that respect are more opportunities for collisions to occur between the solidand liquid. This is because there is more chance for collisions tooccur. If the surface area per unit mass is small, collision can onlyoccur with the outer atoms and is therefore limited. The diagram belowillustrates thisThis relationship is proportional i.e. as one doubles so does theother.The temperature of the reaction - When the temperature is low, theparticles in the reaction do not nourish much energy and move slowly socollision... ...nes whichcan be explained by the fact that the surface area of the chips wasconstantly changing throughout the reaction, as it was reacted withthe acid, and so did the surface area to volume ratio. Also as themarble was used up the reaction would slow, as there would be lessmarble remaining to react with the acid reducing the chances of acollision occurring. The evidence is sufficient to imply that myhypothesis is correct but I think to prove it successfully furtherevidence would be necessary.I could have checked the rates of reactions I produced as a result ofmy look into by carrying out a different test. If I had examined myresults by doing a test measuring the mass change of the calciumcarbonate I could have checked that I came up with sufficientlysimilar final rates of reaction, however I did not have time for thisor to use a wider range of values.

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